Thursday, January 31, 2019

A Busy Chilly Day!

This morning our Spanish class met in the art room with our 4rth grade partners.

Together, we worked on the figures of ourselves.

We picked the color of our dolls, glued our face on and then selected material for our clothing and used stencils to cut them out.

After coming back for snack, we headed off for music.

We loved having a big open space to move and play instruments.

I was especially great to be able to gallop and dance, as we are so missing our outside time!

Making some more bricks.

Constructing a train track that went all across the room!

The young doctor.

Morning meeting. We talked about our lungs and how much our body needs air as we did some deep breathing.

We read a story about trains.

Choice time: Moon sand.

Some spinning.


Reading together.

Taking care of the pigs.