Monday, December 10, 2018

Monday Morning Latkes!

Happy Monday! Time to sign in....  

After signing in friends were busy doing many different things. 

Tracing magnatiles..

Building with legos...

                                                       Building with magnatiles...

                                                                Playing in the kitchen..

                                                                playing with animals...

                                                               pretending to be the teacher...

  Later in the morning we had some very special guests come to talk to us about Hanukkah! We read a story, played with dreidels, talked about the candles on a menorah, and ate some latkes. Yum!!!

                          Some friends worked on gift making after sampling the latkes...

                                      Other friends chose to play with legos after latkes....

                                         After our guests left it was time to play outside...

Back inside we worked on our alphabet actions. Ask me my letter sounds. The catbirds are becoming pros at this :)

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