Wednesday, December 5, 2018

A wonderful Wednesday in pictures

Today was a busy day in Catbird land. We started off the day with our jobs, and playing in centers. We had meeting for worship in our classroom after some free play. During meeting for worship we played a game where we passed a ball around as we sat in a circle. We passed the ball quietly without making a sound. Next we played the game again, but this time we said the name of a friend and very quietly walked the ball over to our friend. 
After meeting for worship it was time for snack! Justin came during snack and we worked on our Bear witness song. It is Beariffic!! We can't wait for everyone to see us perform :)
When Justin left weit was outside time. We walked on the wall outside and ran a little. Then we ventured off to the Middle School to drop Bear Witness off to visit one of the classes. 
We parted ways with Bear Witness and headed off to art class where we finished a project. 
Back in the classroom we had choice time and enjoyed our lunches.  
Here is a little what our day looked like:😃

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