Friday, December 14, 2018

Aprendiendo en tierra Catbird / Learning in Catbirdland

¡Bienvenidos familia, amigas, y amigos! A little birdie told me los Catbirds are going home singing the “colors song” so I thought I send along the words. Please feel free to sing along with your child. It really is a catchy tune.

To the tune of Frère Jacques, we sang the following:

Red is rojo
Green is verde
Blue, azul
Black, negro

Yellow, amarillo
Purple is morado
Gray is gris
Brown, café

Another topic we have been learning is snack. If you’d like to learn (or review) the vocabulary for some of the common snack items in the classroom, here they are. Ask your child to teach you.

crackers – galleta
graham cracker – galleta graham
chesse - queso
cream cheese – queso crema
red apple – manzana roja
green apple – manzana verde
banana - banana
orange - naranja
bagel - rosquilla
hummus – pasta de garbazos
soy butter – salsa de soja
pita bread – pan pita

And, just recently we have begun to learn the vocabulary for some forms of transportation:

airplane – avión
car - carro
boat - bote
motorcycle - motocicleta
bicycle - bicicleta
train - tren
school bus – autobús
helicopter – helicóptero

We are really having so much fun singing, playing and laughing in Spanish class. ¡Muy divertido!

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