Wednesday, April 4, 2018

No Coats!

We found some new train tracks downstairs, and friends were anxious to try constructing with the new pieces. It was one of the most complex tracks to date, and the team was very proud of their work.

Early on, our third grade buddies picked us up to go downstairs and work on our paper dolls.

We picked out the color we wanted and glued our faces on them.

Then we made clothing for them. You will see them soon, hanging in the hallway near the library.

 Back in the room, we had a bit more time for building and playing.

We headed outside and it was so warm, we took our coats off!

We found some wiggly worms!

And a giant beetle!

Some friends worked on their book of the week reviews, while others helped take apart the birdhouses that we are repairing and repainting.

Back inside, we had story time and it was already time to eat lunch!

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