Monday, April 2, 2018

Back Together!

The Catbirds were very glad to see one another.

Families were re-created and new structures were built and shared.

In art class, Donna put out watercolors.

She taught us about warm and cool colors. Then, she asked friends to find either a warm or cold color and paint with it.

Each friend painted however/whatever they wanted, using both warm and coolcolors.

We really enjoyed this activity.

Back in the room, we had snack while continuing with the projects that we had begun before art.

After clean up, we got ready for morning meeting and choice time.

We had a moment of silence, then friends took turns saying something about what they had dome or thought about during their spring breaks.

Then we read our book of the week, "Woolbur."

Choice time. We continued to work on our self portraits.

Some other creative endeavors.

After clean up, we headed outside into the decidedly unspring-like weather.

It is good to be back together!

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