Wednesday, March 1, 2017

We Are 99% Certain That We Will Soon Be Having Baby Guinea Pigs!

We noticed today, as Popcorn and Knick-Knack were out while their cage was being cleaned, that Popcorn is looking exceptionally lumpy. She is also eating ravenously and acting slightly odd, so we have concluded that she is quite pregnant! We went out and got another cage for Knick-Knack and settled Popcorn into some soft nesting material with extra treats. The Catbirds each took a guess at how many babies they thought she would have (1-4 is the norm). Now, we wait...excitedly.

We had meeting for worship in the music room with our second grade partners.

Then we headed over to Step Up Academy!

We introduced ourselves again, as we are working on learning our friends' names.

Then we split into three groups for different activities. We had a playdough table...

...a craft table...

...and an obstacle course!

It was great fun.

After, we played outside together.

We made it back just before it started to pour!

Snack and a story.

The Tiger Committee met to decided whether we would have tiger's in Catbirdland. (Apparently, we will be investing in many wild chickens, to feed all of our carnivores).

A band formed, and there was a lot of interest in mastering the drum set.

Friends had fun working together with the beads.

More pics, out of order...

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