Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Books, Books and More Books!

We headed out early this morning for some play time with our friends from Step Up Academy, and some flight practice.

We also worked on our balance.

Soon, it was time to say goodbye to our Step Up friends and head to the library. First we warmed up to get ready to listen.

 Doris read us 2 books by Robert Munsch. We thought they were pretty funny and we got some to bring back to our classroom.

Then we all checked out books to take back.

We had Morning Meeting and then Choice Time. Friends tried to build the tallest building ever made! This required safety gear.

We spent a good chunk of our day reading our new books.

After we finished our projects, and because the sun was so shiny, we headed back out for awhile.

There was secret fort building and planet protecting.

Some testing of the laws of physics.

And some high speed running.

After lunch, we read more books. Friends also dictated their reviews of our Book of the Week: 
A Sick Day for Amos McGee (our highest rated book so far!).

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