Wednesday, May 11, 2016

We Had a Good Day

This morning, Carol was given a new name...Aaaapaahat. No one could remember it, so she wore a nametag. It did not help.

In between the picture above and the one below, we walked over to the meetinghouse for meeting for worships. Some family members joined us today.

Then we went to climb trees, as is our habit.

Some friends climbed up.

Others went into the deep dark jungle.

We found signs of spring.

And more signs of spring.

We stopped for some sportsing.

We discovered some rock hills and went over them.

Checked out the progress on the playground.

When we got back, we decided it was too nice to go in, so we brought our stuff outside.

We played a game on the stump.

Made art on the picnic table.

Studied some nature.

Supervised the cement truck.

Worked on or muscles.

Designed some architecture.

Tamed some animals, told some stories, negotiated with friends.

Had a good day.

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