Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sound Science, Taking It to the Upper School - Tuesday

Making patterns with guitar picks.

This morning, we reviewed our decibel measurements and friends figured out how many people had the same measurement. Carol told them that Jordan Burkey, the Upper School science teacher, had invited us to come and he would help us with our problem.

First, we all went outside and blew our whistles, because whistles.

Then we packed them up, along with our ear protectors, and set off in search of room U15.

We stopped to check out some art along the way.

It took us awhile, but we finally found it!

Jordan was waiting for us. He had a very special decibel measuring instrument.

We took turns measuring our whistles.

The Future Physics Class.

His instrument was much more exact than ours!

Then he showed us some cool tuning forks.

They were attached to wooden boxes that amplified the sound.

We could also feel the vibration!

We even got to look at his telescope.

We thanked Jordan and headed out.

We found someone else we know and met some 11th graders.

We took the long and more interesting way back.

We paused to sunbathe.

We ran into some familiar musicians.
And the rest of our day...

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