Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Learning New Skills

After sign in,

the Catbirds moved right into dramatic play. As friends' social skills have continued to develop, there has been increasingly complex interactions and negotiations.

It is fascinating to see roles change and grow, and to work with individual Catbirds when they get stuck.

Of late, the Catbirds are learning new ways to distribute and share resources in the room - often resulting in lengthy discussions. To a large extent, we have moved beyond simple turn-taking or timed sharing, to trying to figure out what is "fair."

Some 3-D art - a stage with performers on it.

Many negotiations happen in laps.

Library time!

Some much needed outside time, where the dramatic play can be louder and faster.

Music class!

We are working on our secret number for the Spring Show.

Group hug for a dance well done.

Back outside, because "We were having REALLY REALLY FUN!"

Nap mat delivery!

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