Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Visiting with Our Artist Friends

Our early morning was quite busy.

We took care of the guinea pigs, and each other.

And jammed to some oldies on our record player.

We did some preparation to plant our garden.

Then headed off to the library.

Doris read us a story about seeds!

Then we read some of the books we picked out.

We had Morning Meeting. We examined our mini green house and the peat pods and guessed what would happen when we got them wet.

We also talked about the Upper School Art Students who were coming to visit us (the same ones we met with a couple weeks ago). 

We prepped our peat pods.

And cooled off our tootsies in the pond.

The Art students came and the Catbirds acted as their muses - telling them stories to inspire their next artistic endeavors. We enjoyed one another's company.

After, we took out the Stomp rockets and built a fort. All before lunchtime!

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