Thursday, April 9, 2015

Creating and Sharing

Lots going on in Catbird Land. Friends are creating some wonderful art, and teaching friends their techniques. We have all kinds of authors writing stories and books and finding new ways to illustrate their work.

Our study of Art has made friends think about the things that they see and make in ever-expanding ways.

Today included some music in the morning. Our skills at identifying and moving with the rhythm have grown tremendously.

We got to practice our favorite dance today.

At Morning Meeting, we had our Moment of Silence...

...then we got to hear the first two of the Catbird's new stories.

Many friends are taking on the responsibility of leading parts of our gatherings.

A storyboard for one of the Catbird's books.

Teaching friends how to make a paper person.


Fine motor skills via Legos.

Yes, it is a Flubber Ghost.

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