Monday, April 20, 2015

Discussing Our Art

Our early morning was very busy, with many friends working together - reading, building and exploring.

Friends have begun to use the ipad more frequently to add to their portfolios.

An unfortunate dragon attack.

Many of the Catbirds are testing out new hypotheses, and sharing their discoveries with friends.

We took a look at all of our still life photos, before taking them down. Then we walked to the Upper School to meet with students there, who have also been working on still lifes.

We got to look at their models.

Then, the Catbirds talked with them, comparing ideas and techniques.

All of us really enjoyed working together and we are making plans for future collaborations.

Next, we had a meeting to decide whether to head outside, or downstairs (friends were very divided). This ended up being one of the best meetings we have had this year. Friends presented different ideas, listened really well to each other, and together built a solution that everyone was satisfied with. It was impressive.

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