Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Birthday Cake Tuesday

Today was Amy's birthday, so we decided it was the perfect opportunity to make cake (this was the next requested item on our "What food to make" list.

There was much egg breaking to be done, so we started off by giving one another tips on how best to do this. We did an excellent job. As I promised Amy a germ-free cake, there were many breaks for hand-washing.

We have a new hand beater, which was very popular.

Some new tracks were constructed and tested.

Library time! Doris read us Happy Birthday to You!, by Dr. Suess.

Then we checked out and read some books together.

We finished our cakes and took them down to the kitchen to bake.

We checked out some birds through the window.

We went outside to get some more snow and ice.

Friends taught each other how to make planes.

The Catbirds flew them in the wind tube.

Our cake came out beautifully.

The Wind Tube closed and some villages and zoos emerged.

We finished decorating the cakes in time for lunch.

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