Monday, December 8, 2014

Stompin' Some Rockets

A happy Monday morning in the Catbird room

Some pirates stopped by

At Morning Huddle, we introduced... (drumroll, please)... Stomp Rockets! They fit in perfectly with the Catbirds' newfound interest in astronauts and all things outer space.

We discussed how the Stomp Rockets work: When you stomp on the air pouch, air pushes through the tube to make the rocket fly way up high. 

The Catbirds theorized on this:
"It will go a hundreds of feet!"
"All the way up to the aliens!"

After a few runs around the circle, we were off to the field for stomp rocketing.

But first! We saw a crane with a tree! We ooh-ed and ahh-ed.

Needless to say, it was very exciting.

We reconvened in the warm classroom for Morning Meeting

Two friends led our moment of silence

Then, Carol read the book Meanwhile..., which describes the magic of the word "meanwhile," which can transport a story to a new setting.

Then it was Choice Time

There was some especially theatrical singing and dancing happening during Choice Time.

It was a full day full of fun.

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