So much art in the Catbird classroom.
Working on tiny self portraits for our blocks.
Planning meeting
Heading out on an adventure
Fishing in the creek
Eating a dinosaur bone
Steve and Greg got a new playpen so the Catbirds can visit with them.
A letter sound quiz
Art class!
Show and Tell. The Catbirds have begun to ask, more frequently, if they can bring things in for Show and Tell. The rules are: 1. They have to discuss it with me first and figure out why they want to bring it and what they want to share about it. 2. They get time to talk about what they have brought in front of the class and 3. They get to answer questions about it and 4. We applaud
We have started using the smartboard for big arm drawing,
Another show and tell came in today. It needed some reconstructive surgery
Building rule. If its taller than your head and made of wooden blocks, everyone has to wear protective gear.
Show and Tell
Music class!
More self portraits
Looking up something
Continuing our study of the 5 senses: Taste
Chocolate, vanilla and mint chocolate chip.
The blindfolded taste test
Happy Spring Break!
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