Monday, March 18, 2024

March 11 - March 15, 2024

 Monday March 11

Preparing for the vote for our book for storytime

Stopping to see the hydrophonic grower in the middle school.

Gym class

Checking out the artwork in the upper school.

Filling our hydroponic alien with water.

Presenting our 3 books for the week to vote on.

Planting time.

Storytime - today's winner


Prepping for a show

Art making

Boy in a box

Best Building Book Buildings

Next vote

The winner for today

Art class


The guinea pigs' new play area

Working on patterns

Final vote


A good book find

Tracing the sloth

Best Building Book Building


Chalk outside

Lunch outside


Our middle school buddies came to help us finish up our people in Spanish class.

They assisted with tracing and cutting and general encouragement

We had such a good time with them, we are making plans to do more things together

Choice Time

We started work on some new self portraits to go on our table blocks.

Best building book building

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