Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A New Year in Catbirdland


The Catbirds are 16 strong with 8 returning for a second or third year and two coming over from the Sparrows class. We have 6 new Catbirds ranging in age from 2 almost 3, to 4 almost 5. I will be handing out a photo sheet so that you can learn all the Catbirds' names.

Friends are busy learning one another's names and likes and dislikes and figuring out how to play together.

We went out on the lawn to meet together with all of the lower school to be together and sing some songs.

We studied some bugs.

New friends are learning how to sign in.

We are making lots of art (Check out our growing art wall when you're in the room).

We are spending increasing amounts of time outdoors, as the weather cools, and getting to know friends from other classes.

Catbirds are challenging themselves and their physical strength and speed.

We had a wonderful first week and it feels like the start of an exceptional year.

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