Thursday, April 4, 2019

Doing Stuff Outside!

Our day began with our usual jobs and soon it was time for Spanish!
Alicia read us "Oso Cafe, Oso Cafe (Brown Bear, Brown Bear), and then she put out several animals from the story. She covered them with a bandana and then took one away. The Catbirds had to figure out which one and say it in Spanish.

Next, snack was prepared.

Friends played with trains, built and laid out the alphabet.

We had a little time for snack...

...then it was time to head to music!

We played instruments and sang some of our favorite songs.

When we returned, we used the wrecking ball on one of the buildings.

We had a story on the back rug, because there were still some building up on the morning meeting rug. 

The Catbirds were eager to head outside. We had some new materials to experiment with - ramps that friends used with water, rocks, wood chips and sand.

We checked out what would go down and how fast, depending on angles and materials.

Water was part of the play everywhere!

It was too beautiful to be inside, so we went and got our lunches and brought them out.

It was wonderful eating outdoor!

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