Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Very Busy Thursday and a New Project

Our day began with the lovely Alicia and Spanish!

We worked on our numbers.

We played Oso Cafe (Brown Bear) Bingo!

Our snack helper got snack together.

Then we headed off to music class!

Back in class, friends built a very cool structure.

Then we tried to knock it down!

Andrea came for a visit. She also tried to knock it down.

While it shoots ping pong balls far, our slingshot is lacking in accuracy.

The Catbirds played with our balancers.

We opened our rock tumbler. 

After the fine grit, our stones are quite smooth. Last step will be the polishing.

We headed outside on what turned out to be a gorgeous day.

So we decided to have lunch outside!

The kindergarteners came over to watch Thomas Stunts and help us figure out how to get our trains to do a loop de loop. 

We wrote down all of the good ideas generated and have decided to work on this engineering dilemma together. We are gathering materials and will come together next week to begin construction and experimenting.

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