Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Sculpting with Paper

Catbirds signing in.

Building with blocks and playing in the kitchen area.

Reading to friends.

Today we had a special Meeting for Worship that included a guest...

...we planned for them to join us to make sure they would feel welcome and safe.

It was Paddywhack, one of our guinea pigs.

Some friends held him, others petted him. 

Friends were very gentle and calm with our furry friend.

Then we headed outside.

Next it was time for Art.

Amanda told us that some friends would be finishing projects that they had missed,

while others would be making paper sculptures. We learned what sculpture means and then helped her figure out how to make one out of paper.

Friends worked hard at getting their strips of paper to stand up, by giving them feet and folding them in different ways. 

The Catbirds came up with their own unique strategies and designs.

Back in our room, we read a story called, "What Do Guinea Pigs Do at Night."

At Choice time, friends drilled some more holes in our box to get ready to install lights.

There was also playdough...

...and trains...

...and flubber.

After we cleaned up, we read another one of our Catbird books. This was about a truck that got stuck. We only have one more book to read, before we start writing new books!

Maria and the Catbirds practiced our letter sounds, demonstrating them for our new class member, who caught on very quickly.  Then it was time for lunch.

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