Friday, January 4, 2019

Off on an Adventure

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Friends had some time for free play this morning, so bands were formed, pictures were traced, pony families galloped about and many jobs were done.

We got the room cleaned up and ready for snack.

We did some movement together on the morning meeting rug...

...then we had a story.

We loaded up Bear Witness and headed out on an adventure.

We stopped off in Diana's room to return the clothes that she lent to Bear Witness.

Our friend Justin came by. Turns out that Diana didn't know that Bear Witness had their own theme song, so we sang it for her.

We spotted another bear in the distance, and vowed to find out who it was and why it was there.

We stopped to watch some folks working high up on the new building.

We showed Bear Witness the empty pool.

Here we are, checking for dragons.

Some climbing...

...and some more climbing.

We did some fast running and found some sticks and a couple of logs to make tree cookies.

Back in our room, we had Choice Time.

After clean up, we read the second book from our winter break homework, "Girly the Dancing Bear." Friends are very excited and proud about their books and spent some time sharing them with one another at book time. Next week begins another chapter in our ongoing storytelling study.
Have a great weekend!

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