Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Book Reviews and Art

Friends working on clips for our Art Board.

The family gathering to make plans.

Duplo construction.

Friends giving their book reviews.

Reviewing the book for book reviewing.

Creating shapes on the geoboards.

Preparing for in class meeting for worship. Today we silently built a sculpture together.

We used the process to slow ourselves down and to time our breathing to the placement of each piece. After, we discussed what we noticed through the process.

Outside time!

Back for morning meeting. We read a book called, "One Foot, Two Feet," and talked about how some words change when there are more than one thing.

Then we prepped for Choice Time.

There was "haircutting," to practice scissor skills.

And creating with playdough.

Posing with an impressive magnatile building. 

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