Monday, October 15, 2018

An Inside Adventure and Pumpkin Pie!

This morning, there was a campout in our room - complete with a fire!

Trains were constructed.

Letters were colored.

Snack was decided on and made.

Since it was raining, we decided to take a walk inside.

Of course, bear witness came with us.

We stopped first at the Sparrow's room, to ask about setting up a switching room day. Sam said, "YES!"

When we got to the hill by the nurses office, friends could run down or skip down or roll down!

Next, we headed into the auditorium. We looked at the stage and tried to guess what the show might be about.

Then we played follow the leader up and down the stairs and through the chairs.

After, we took a run around outside, where the rain had stopped.

Then we headed back for morning meeting.

We had a story and then Choice Time. Here are friends making pumpkin pie.

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