Tuesday, November 14, 2017

When Carol is away the CATBIRDS will PLAY!!!

Early morning activities.  
As friends came in we had some fun table activities open. 

 All of our friends are getting good at signing in.

 In art class with Donna we learned how to make windsocks. 

 First we used oil pastel crayons to make different lines on our water color paper. 

 Then we painted over the oil pastel lines.  Magically, when the oil pastels mixed with the water colors our lines appeared and a new colors was made.  It was AMAZING!!!

 We read, " The Little Red Hen."  Many friends helped read the part of the rat, dog, goat and pig.  Their part was, " Not I said..." 

 Then we played a color game with our colored circles.  
 It was such a beautiful day to play outside. 

We went fishing. 
 Hid from MONSTERS!

 And, pretended to need crutches.

 Back inside we sent lots and lots of LOVE to Carol and Maria.  We sang a new friend ship song and had choice time.

 We celebrated a friends birthday and enjoyed a special treat!

 We were so BUSY today that many friends fell asleep at rest time.

 Since, Charity is new to writing the Catbird blog she got some of the photos downloaded out of order.  Here are some more photos of our day.

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