Friday, November 17, 2017


We had a wonderful Friday.  Our morning began with friends signing-in, creating master pieces with some new stamps, writing in our journals and sorting colored blocks. 

In Spanish class we sang our good morning song and a number song.  We played a fun number game.  Alecia placed number cards on the rug, 0-4.  She had two friends play at time.  Alecia would call out a number card in Spanish and our friends had to find that number card and swat it.  All of our friends got a turn and had so much fun.  

It was so beautiful outside that we had inside, outside time this morning.  Friends inside built amazing structures with magnatiles, molded meat ball and water balls with our scented play dough, and continued to make stamp art. 

 We found so so so many worm friends.  We had to dig deep down in the soil to find them.  

 We read our book of the week again, The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.  We also sent TONS and TONS of LOVE to CAROL.

 Outside we enjoyed running and creating art with some markers, crayons and tape.  Many friends made signs for the homes they were building.  

 Inside we played a game with the parachute.  Two friends would go under the parachute and we would sing a rain song, "Pitter, Patter goes the rain..." Sometimes it would rain slow and sometimes fast.  All of the friends loved the sensory feeling of the wind and silkiness of the parachute.  Even Maria and Charity had a turn. 

 At lunch we had a dance party after listening to a SCARY STORY about a giant smoothie blob chasing Charity.  Thankfully many Catbird friends came and saved the day.

We has so much fun today. We hope you found time to feel the wind blow on your cheeks and found time to dance.  
Here is a wonderful poem by Shel Silverstein.

Draw a crazy picture, 
Write a nutty poem, 
Sing a mumble-grumble song, 
Whistle through your comb. 
Do a loony-goony dance 
'Cross the kitchen floor, 
Put something silly in the world 
That ain't been there before. 

by Shel Silverstein

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