Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Meeting for Worship

Today we did an experiment in color mixing. The Catbirds decided to try to make purple by mixing red and blue. We made red from goopy corn syrup.

We made blue out of oil.

When we put them together, they stayed seperated.

So we shook them up to make purple.

We waited to see if they would separate again. We are still waiting. Tomorrow morning will tell.

We had our own meeting for worship. We practiced our elevator breathing and then took out the 3 minute sand timer. One friend pointed out that we should send some love to the Catbirds who are out sick, so we did. For the first time, we were all silent together.

To close, we sang "Peace Like a River."
It was a really lovely meeting for worship.

We headed out to enjoy the perfect, bug-free weather.

The Catbirds decided that we needed more boards to build with, so we got out the tape measure and figured out how long and how wide our new boards needed to be. We were quite exact with our board measurements, but the number of boards requested ranged from two to "fifty one hundred and sixty-one." I think we will aim for somewhere in between.

We read our book of the week again, and the Catbirds dove a little further into what changed Jean from being mean to being a friend, as we continue to explore this complicated thing that is friendship.

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