Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Meeting and Singing with Friends

New pattern challenge out this morning.

Today we shared Meeting for Worship in the music room with all the EC and kindergarten classes.

Raji showed us a new way to take deep breaths, and we used the giant gong to settle in.

We also used a timer to challenge friends to still themselves for several minutes.

As always, we ended our time together with song.

We read and rated our new Book of the Week, "You Will Be My Friend!" This gave us a chance to talk about some of the successful and not so successful ways the main character made friends.

Snack time!

Today, Choice Time was another "Inside-Outside Day," which let friends move back and forth, and also gave us time to start working on our t-shirts for Fall Family Festival (next Tuesday - mark your calendars). There are no t-shirt making pictures, because having paint all over you is not conducive to taking pictures...but we got some others...

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