Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Our First Homework!

The Catbirds are making ever-more complicated decisions about the country we have created (which you can now refer to as either Catbirdland or Catbird Country.) So, today, friends are heading home with homework in their bags. Each Catbirds has picked an animal, or dinosaur, to do some research on. This research will help us think about what effect each of these animals might have on our country as a whole.

Photos From Monday

On Thursday, we put our map on the floor and had Morning Meeting around it. Friends talked about where they were living, and a number of them moved to new location (the volcano is very popular).
We began a discussion about the kinds of houses we might live in and what they would be made of.

At Choice Time, friends brought animals and blocks to play in our country.

Before rest time, we watched a video that showed a variety of unique houses, to give friends some new ideas about what their houses might be like.

Tuesday morning sign in time.

We are almost finished painting our entire map!


Then, Rasheeda the science teacher came for another in our series of, 

She brought a special polymer, some colored water, and pipettes. She showed us how to use them.

She squeezed some of the polymer into the water, and we couldn't see anything.

But when she fished around inside with a toothpick, OUT CAME A WORM!

We couldn't wait to try it.

Everyone got to make a few worms of their own.

It was cool.
We also had a discussion and vote on whether or not our country should include dinosaurs and monsters. There was some interesting ideas and debates, then we put it to a graph-vote. The Choices were:
1. No Dinosaurs or monsters in Catbird Country
2. All Dinosaurs and monsters allowed in our country
3. Only dinosaurs and monsters that don't eat people allowed in our country.

Despite an early lead for Choice #1 by the younger, and therefore more likely to be eaten Catbirds, #2 ended up being the clear winner. It was election day all over again. 
We continued our conversation over lunch, with the pro-dinosaur monster crew adamant in their stance. Not sure where this one will end up, but we will keep you posted.

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