Yesterday, in the Catbird classroom, we started a Chain of Kindness. It is a paper chain and, everytime a Catbird does something kind for a friend, we write it on paper and turn it into another link in our chain. The one rule is that you can't report your own kindness, someone else has to do it.
The Catbirds LOVE the Chain of Kindness and are paying extra attention to the nice things their peers are doing for them.
Today, on the way to assembly, many of the Catbirds walked holding hands. At one point, a friends shouted, "Hey Carol look! We are a living Chain of Kindness!"
At assembly, we first got to watch the kindergarteners do their songs from the Winter Program.
Then it was time for the EC to perform - the first time in front of a real audience.
We rocked it!
After, we had some time to run and race!
Then climb a mountain.
On the way back to our room, we stopped at the benches, put our spacesuits and seatbelts on, and took off for outer space!
When we got back to our own spaceship, friends set up the controls and communications.
Meanwhile, the families and babies all gathered to watch a soccer match.
Martians invaded.
Slowly, a game began to evolve.
At first, it was a game of frogs, jumping from lily pad to lily pad.
Gradually, one person became the leader or caller and would say "Go" and "Stop"
Then, the leader began to call out colors, and everyone had to rush to a dot that color. Finally, friends started shouting out the colors IN SPANISH!
This was a proud teacher moment.
Next, the Senior Catbirds all asked for their Idea Notebooks (composition books where friends are drawing and writing ideas for the books we are working on). They spent a good long while, all working together at the table, sharing and discussing their ideas.
Another proud teacher moment.
Next, some dancing!
At Morning Meeting, we had another animal presentation, and then read a book that was highly rated (mostly Moose Ears). It was a wonderful day.
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