After a little time to settle in and sign in...
...we headed to Meeting for Worship in the music room with the Cardinals and the kindergarten.
We did some breathing together. Then we talked about the difference between having MFW/meditating by yourself, and being with a roomful of friends. Together, we share our love and friendship and the feeling spreads through each of us. As a way of expressing this feeling, Raji played a note on his guitar and we all hummed the sound together. It was a shared moment that really brought us together. We sat in silence for a bit, and ended our worship time with the same note. Then, we greeted one another and sang, "This Little Light of Mine." It was a great way to begin our day.
After our Morning Planning Meeting (we are working on a name for this new daily gathering), we gatherd up our library books and headed to the library.
Doris read us some cool books about fall and the ways that animals prepare for winter.
Then we all found new books to check out and take back to our classroom. Christina read a few while friends finished snack.
Then we headed outside.
After Morning Meeting, we had Choice Time. Any kind of clay or flubber is always popular with the Catbirds.
We continued to work on our secret project.
After lunch, there was more reading, before we settled down for a rest.
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