Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Baby Farm Animals

After finishing up our morning routines...

...we headed off to visit our friends at Step Up Academy. SUA is a school for kids with moderate autism, located next to the meetinghouse. We like to spend time playing with them and today, they invited us over for farm day!

When we arrived, we found all kinds of animals that we could pet and hold. The sheep was one of the first to greet us.

Next to her was a very friendly goat.

This is Charlie, the baby cow.

The Catbirds divided their time between the animals, the playground and the craft tables.

Some very soft bunnies.

One of the bunnies was running free, and friends were running with him!

We got to hold baby chicks.

A turkey was on the loose.

Then it was time to head back.

We stopped at the Ga-Ga pit.

When we got back, we decided to stay outdoors for snack.

Friends were hungry from our outing.

Back inside, we gathered for Morning Meeting. After our Moment of Silence and song, we read two books. 

Then it was Choice Time. We worked some on our secret project.

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