Saturday, May 24, 2014

Español con los Catbirds: Mi ropa (My clothes)

¡Bienvenidos familia, amigas, y amigos de los Catbirds! This past week, for our experiencia en Español, Matthew suggested we head to Chile. Following our usual morning salutations, we spread nuestras alas (our wings) and took flight towards this Spanish speaking country.

Upon our arrival, we settled in and began our Spanish language experience by singing “the traditional “Head and Shoulders” song:

Cabeza y hombros
Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y dos pies
Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y dos pies
Ojos, oidos, boca y una nariz.
Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y dos pies

Following the interactive movement song, los Catbirds reviewed the vocabulary that was introduced last week which describes some of the article of clothing we wear. To help us start, we read Gladys Rosa-Mendoza’s book, My Clothes Mi ropa.  In her book, Ms. Rosa-Mendoza features a diverse group of children describing the clothes they wear for their favorite activities.  

Then, to reinforce the learning, los Catbirds got the chance to “dress” a laminated paper doll. Displaying only the face and arms, each Catbird took a chance in choosing an article of clothing to dress their chosen character. As they chose the garment piece, los Catbirds were encouraged to use the Spanish vocabulary that described what they were picking.

Reinforce vocabulary:
cabeza – head
brazos – arms
zapatos – shoes
pantanlón – pants
pantalón corto – shorts (short pants)
camisa de mangas largas – long sleeve shirt
camisa de mangas corta – short sleeve shirt
saya – skirt
vestido – dress
blusa - blouse

We ended our class with our traditional song, Adios, hasta luego, and Matthew squeezing la vaca. ¡Gracias, Matthew!

 ¡Hasta nuestro proximo viaje!  



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