Friday, May 9, 2014

An Incredible Number of Beautiful Pictures of Your Beautiful Children on a Beautiful Day

(Please note that I did add special effects to a few pictures because I couldn't help myself.)

What was your favorite part of our adventure to the Magic Forest today?

L: Playing in the playhouse and at the big hill.

J: Heidi chasing us and drawing with rocks.

R: Playing in the playhouse.

N: Playing monsters and picking flowers.

H: Running

S: Throwing sticks into the pond and the big hill and going down the little hill (without the head bumping part).

A: Looking at all the bugs and worms and ants.

M: Looking at the grills and seeing the campfires and throwing rocks in the pond.

P: Throwing sticks in the pond.

L: Looking at the white animal and I hoped there were no spiders!

C: Smelling the charcoal and seeing the campfire.

L: Splashing the rocks in the water!

X: Throwing rocks in the water!

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