Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Turtles and Lizards and Beetles (Oh My!)

Some fantastic building occurred this morning. Long garages...

...and very tall towers.

Experiments with magnets.

And the castle was a very busy place.

Friends brought items from all over the room to magnify.

Then it was time for Spanish class!

We had a special birthday snack and sang to our friend.

We headed out on an adventure - many puppies out for a walk.

First stop was Tricia, to give her attendance.

We headed for the auditorium, but then noticed our friend, Roseanne the Science teacher, alone in her room. She invited us in, and we went to look in all of the aquariums.

We saw turtles, big and small.

Colorful fish.

Geckos and newts.

And Best Beetles. Roseanne took some out of their home. Some brave Catbirds got to hold them and touch them. They made a funny squeaking sound.

One of the lizards was sleeping. The Catbirds asked really excellent questions about the creatures:
"Do they wake up at night? What do they eat? Why is the turtle running away? Why are you squirting water in there?"

Roseanne knew all of the answers!

We were fascinated!

The auditorium was in use, so we swerved into the Black Box for some sprinting.

Some friends wanted to try running in the dark. Friends who do not like the dark explored outside, while the dark runners sprinted about - some of whom had light up shoes, which made it extra cool.

Next, we hit the StairMaster (at least our version).

Several trips up and down, and the auditorium was ready for us.

A bit of Monsters, and we had pretty much done a total cardio workout, while laughing hysterically.

On our way back, we ran into our friend, Betsy. She showed us some amazing paper cutting that she was doing.

Very complex and beautiful snowflakes.

She told us that she might come by and do a paper cutting project with us. It is good to have so many wise and talented friends!

We had a little time to check in to the room, and then it was library time. Doris read The Cat and the Hat Returns. We helped her with the rhyming words.

We got some new books out (including some turtle books), and headed back. We decided to eat lunch early, because friends were very hungry. After lunch, we had Choice Time!

We started a new book at rest time,  How to Train Your Dragon. While some friends napped, we worked on puzzles and writing. It was a very busy day.

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