Thursday, January 30, 2014

Art & Science

Early morning warm up.

Then off to Art class. Amanda told us that she had left some clay out the night before, and come in to find a mess.

We found tracks in the clay that clearly proved the Art Dragon had been the culprit.

We were shocked!

Amanda showed us how we could use the tracks to make rubbings. She also introduced us to paper clay, and showed us how we were going to shape it into paper by making it flat.

We were good at pounding it down.

Then we rolled it flatter.

We took turn making track rubbings.

We did some reading and building back in the room.

After snack, we headed downstairs for some full speed running. There are not a lot of pictures here, because I actually turn into a chasing monster when we are down there, which limits my ability to use the camera.

Back in our room for Morning Meeting. We read, Horton Hears a Who.

One of our choices was a scientific experiment. We used pipettes to mix baking soda, watercolor and vinegar. Friends observed the reaction and made hypotheses about what was happening.

Other activities....

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