Friday, February 8, 2013

Pictures and Plants

We had a little housekeeping to do this morning, and the Catbirds were eager to help (so were some of the Cardinals, who were visiting during early drop-off).

There was Art to be made, 

and of course, journals to be done.

Then, Alicia came in for Spanish class! We sang our Hola song, and then Alicia got out some cards with different color bears on them.

We are learning green and red and blue.

Alicia had just left, when more visitors came to the door! It was the First Graders, and they came in to talk to us.

It turns out that they are starting a Post Office in the Lower School (with deliveries school wide). We can write letters to anyone at AFS, buy a stamp for 10 cents, and they will deliver it. The money that they earn from the sale of stamps will go to charity. 

Throughout the day/week, friends have also been working on the Catbird's photography. We have a nice digital camera that friends are learning to use. Up until a few days ago, they were just taking pictures whenever and pretty much however they wanted, to get comfortable with the camera. In recent days, we have started to review the pictures they have taken, and decide which ones they would like to print out. They are noticing things that they like and don't like about their pictures, and we are discussing ways to get the results they want. For example, some friend's photos were very blurry, so we figured out why that might be. This way, they can choose whether they want their pictures to be clear or blurry. Similarly, we have noticed that sometimes fingers end up in our pictures and have worked to problem solve why that is happening. For some friends, this is a brand new activity. Others began learning last year, and are eager to try new techniques. We are excited to see where this project will take us.

We also discovered that today was a very wiggly day (and unfortunately, rainy). So we headed out to the Commons to stretch and do some yoga.

Then, we headed out for an indoor walkabout. We travelled far and wide and played I Spy along the way.

We stopped in the auditorium, and found April with her theater class. They had made their own light stencils, to project on the stage. We stayed to see the first one, then headed on our way (The Wigglies overwhelmed us).

We climbed through shark infested waters....

...saw wild animals...

...and sculptures.

We travelled like snakes, kittens and dogs...

...and backwards.

We headed into the big library, and went weaving through all of the shelves. Then we stopped in the Faulkner Reading Room and told a Round Robin Story about dinosaurs in the library!

We raced outside on the covered sidewalk...

...and then raced across in the rain - making sure to swerve between the drops.

Back in the room, we read, Planting A Rainbow, and then made our selections for Choice Time. Friends continued to work on planting seeds (and answering the question, "What Do You Want To Plant?). Other Choices included: Clay, Magnatiles, Water Table, People Puppets and Books.

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