This morning, we had many places to go and people to see.
We took a trip to the Science room, where Roseanne equipped us with peat pots and bins and some high quality dirt to plant seeds in. While we were there, we visited the fish and turtles and found out that the lizard is off learning good manners (he has apparently become a bit nippy).
Next, we passed by the Music room, and saw Jason setting up the xylophones. We went in to give him a hug, and then asked him if we could play them. He said yes, so we did.
Then, we stopped at Nurse Heidi's office. Before we went in, we talked about making sure that we asked her if we wanted to touch something in her room. We asked her if we could touch her magnifying light, and she said yes!
Back in the room, we had Morning snack, where we are getting very good at learning to pass things to friends. So, when we gathered for Morning Meeting, we play a game of Pass the Tomato. Then, we had our Moment of Silence.
Next, two new visitors came to ask us for help - Penelope and Pierre. Their problem was that Penelope wanted to sit next to Pierre and eat some of his special broccoli, but Pierre was saving the seat for another friend. This made Penelope very sad. Friends had all kinds of ideas to help them solve the problem: giving each other a kiss, playing together, and sitting on the same chair. Then, they realized that you could sit with more than one friend at a time!
We headed outside. We found some of the ice from yesterday, still there.
We also found some new snow.
Next, it was time for Art Class. Today, when we came in, there were boards at our seats and on the boards there were hunks of clay! We mushed it and squished it and smelled it.
Then, Sam started passing out different kinds of tools. We had rollers and cutters.
Then we got all kinds of things to push into the clay, that made different patterns.
Friends made lots of different shapes and patterns. Everyone experimented with the clay in different ways.
When we were finished, we put our clay back in the bag. Sam said we could take it back to our room. It was pretty heavy, so friends took turns carrying it.
While other friends turned into dogs and cats and crawled back.
At Choice Time, we had: Easel painting...
...the Water Table...
...dramatic play (food, babies and doctor kits)...
...magnatiles, and clay.
It was a very creative day.
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