Thursday, February 28, 2013

Leaping for Joy

When the Catbirds arrived this morning, there was a new matching game laid out on the table. The game was called "Catbirds and Their Lovies". There are 26 cards - 13 of the cards have pictures of one Catbird - the other 13 have pictures of the Catbirds' stuffed animal they brought to Pajama Day. The object of the game is to match the correct Catbird to their lovie!

Some friends read a book to the "baby," so she could stop crying. 

Other friends built tall towers out of magnitiles. 

Other Catbirds watered their plants. We are using a variety of different kinds of bottles to water our plants - each one takes different muscles to make it work. So, not only are we taking care of our seedlings, we are also building up the muscles in our hands and arms.

At snack time, friends continued to practice their pouring and scooping skills! 

After snack, we headed outside to play in the beautiful weather!

Friends are continuing to work very hard on playing with one another. Negotiation is a hard skill, but each day that goes by, the Catbirds are learning more and more ways to play with one another.

One friend found a rock to relax on in the sun.

Others carefully balanced on the rocks around the pond.

We also saw Debbie Green coming back from a meeting, and we ran over to say hello!

When it was time to go inside, Mike held up a Catbird as she called everyone to the door.

Once inside, we had a Moment of food eating noises as well as a Moment of Silence. Carol read us a book called The Chair Where Bear Sits. Friends enjoyed this book because they could help read along by looking at the picture clues. 

There was a new choice at Choice Time, Frog Jumping. Danielle brought in plastic frogs that, when you touch the button on their back, they leap in the air. This was a tricky task in the beginning for the Catbirds because it used a lot of fine motor skills. But after much practice, their were frogs leaping all over the place!  

We also place the round spots or "Lily pads" around the rug to see if friends could make their frogs leap from pad to pad.

A few friends spent time reviewing their photographs, and we printed out sheets of their favorites, to look at more closely.

Once all the frogs were tired from all their jumping, we put them away and gathered for lunch.