Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Puppets and More Puppets

We had Spanish early this morning.

After we flew to our Spanish speaking country...

...and said Hola, to each other...

Alicia brought out....A PUPPET! This was pretty amazing and exciting, because we are pretty in love with puppets just now.

He helped us learn about some of our favorite colors.

Then we finished up our journals and began a very wonderful morning of play.

We went to see Sam, to find out whether she had any more horses for is (long tubes). She had a few, but no more. If you all have any laying about, we will gladly take them off your hands.

Our ponies morphed into swords and telescopes, as we took off in a boat.

They also served as microphones and megaphones - making us VERY LOUD!

Nothing goes better with a tube than a hat!

Friends also discovered the chalkboards today. It's wonderful to be able to write and erase and start over. We continued working on patterns with the counting Bears, too.

There was so much going on, that we occasionally had to pause and take our blood pressure.

Or just take a quiet break.

At Morning Meeting, we had a Moment of Race Car Noises, and then a Moment of Silence. Mason took over photography responsibilities, while we had another PUPPET VISIT!

Monkey and Cow showed up with yet another problem for the Catbirds to solve. This one was about hitting, and friends had many solutions - some very complicated, others as simple as a kiss and a hug.

Today's Choice Time was inside or outside. Inside, friends worked on making puppets with their own faces on them.

Outside, we played with the ever smaller supply of ice and snow. The pond was no longer frozen, and we wondered what happened to the snow when we threw it in.

 And more...

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