Coming into school this morning was very cold, so when friends arrived, they warmed themselves up by journaling, playing music, and reading stories.
Some friends even made each other some hot breakfast in the kitchen!
Christina helped us build long winding roads out of magnitiles that we could drive our cars along.
Once we were warmed up, we had snack and Morning Meeting. We sang the Good Morning song that we learned on Friday. Friends chose funny body parts to wave in the air like our tongues, ears and toes!
Next, it was Choice Time. Friends were able to choose between Play Dough, Dramatic Play, Magnitiles, Easel and Books.
We headed to the Library to see Gwen, and she read us a book called Spike, The Mixed Up Monster. The book was about a monster named Spike who wasn't so scary!
When Gwen was finished reading the story, she let us pick out books to read. Friends selected many different types of stories; some were about caterpillars, school busses, pink princesses, and one book was about a shark with razor sharp teeth. Friends were very excited to check out their books to take back to our classroom to read at any time during the day!
On our way back from the Library, we stopped at our cubbies to put on our hats, gloves, scarves and coats to head outside to enjoy the snow fall. Friends found even more ice, and guess what?! There was no water in the pond - it was all ice! After our quick run around, we headed back into our classroom to warm up by eating lunch and snuggling on our sleeping mats!
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