Friday, January 10, 2020

Making New Friends: Our Trip to Sarahcare

As soon as all of our resource teacher friends arrived, the Catbirds headed out for our walk to Sarahcare.

We went all the way through the school and then held hands as we made our way over.

We arrived!

Jonathon showed us where to put our coats.

Then took us over to meet our new friends.

They were very welcoming and glad to see us.

They had a really cool aquarium.

We wore our name tags, to make it easier to talk together.

Then we blew up some balloons and started to play!

The balloon play gave the Catbirds a chance to ease into interacting while still being able to talk, ask questions and touch base with familiar adults. 

Next, Keisha got out her guitar and we sang a couple of songs.

We started with "Little Wheel."

Then we sang, "Peace Like a River."

Then it was time to say goodbye to our new friends.

We stopped on the way back to play outside.

After some Choice Time in the classroom, we had Storytime, and then lunch. Today was the much awaited Scary Story Day. Lots of friends fell asleep, after our day's big adventure.

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