Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Twenty Questions

Some singing to begin the day

Counting and drawing, too

Friends did an impressive job cooperating to play a board game

A Mystery Box arrived in our classroom today!

Friends started to guess what was in the Mystery Box.
What’s in the Box?

Box in a box
A guinea pig
A werewolf
A alligator
The ocean
A flying squirrel
A hot air balloon
A giraffe
A very large rock
A bunch of bananas
I have no idea
/I think there’s glasses in there
A lovey
Elmo’s in there
A Elmo lovey!
It’s soft, so it’s a lovey
A dinosaur
A keychain
A superhero bauble head
A my little pony blind bag or pet shop blind bag
It’s a palace pet
Ninja Turtle
Something fluffy
A little sheep  sleeping
A mini transformer blind bags
A bag of potato chips, an alligator tooth
A crocodile
A new puppy
Hot tea
A butterfly
A big puppy
A stuffed animal

After yesterday, it felt especially cold outside

But it did not stop us!

Next we headed to Music Class

"See the horses galloping, galloping..."

"See the horses all tired out..."

At Morning Meeting, we introduced the game, 20 Questions (which we explained was for much older kids). After a few examples, they got it and they were off to figure oout what was in the Mystery Box.
Is it hard? YES
Is it a giraffe? No
Does it have beans in it? No
Is it a globe? No
Is it a circle? No
Is it an oval? YES
Is it a triangle? No
Is it a snow globe? No
Is it green? No
Is it yellow? YES (-ish)
Is it from South Africa? YES
Is it made from an animal? By an animal? YES
Is it cheetah food? No
Is it purple? No
Did a cheetah make it? No
Did a pig make it? No
Did an earth pig make it? No
Did a bird make it? YES
Is it a statue? No
Is it an egg? YES
A chicken egg? No
Rooster? No, although that would be very valuable.
Eagle? No
Woodpecker? No
Werewolf? No
Dinosaur bird? No
Crow? No
Pteradactyl? No
“That’s all the birds in my brain.”
Can the bird fly? NO

Once we had it narrowed down to a bird egg, we realized that there were bird reports hanging in the hallway from the second grade study. We went to see if we could find the bird...

...and we did!

So we opened the box.

This process of figuring out what to ask and using the clues to narrow down possibilities is very impressive for this age group.

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