Monday, March 14, 2016

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Monday welcomed us back with rain, but the Catbirds were raring to go this morning.

There was a much laughter in Spanish class

We traveled to EspaƱa

And learned the shapes

Back in the room, we checked on our growing starfish, which has gotten to be quite huge

Songs were sung and we watched the puddles

Some of the Catbirds turned into tigers and cheetahs and lions, oh my!

Bunbun apparently needed a nap

We went through TWO mystery boxes today! The first had new flipbooks and the second had a beautiful Thai elephant that Ao gifted to us.

Then, outside we went in our rain boots

It wasn't raining, but we could catch a few sprinkles on our faces

Puddle-jumping was especially fun

Back inside for morning meeting

Ao brought us a special choice for dramatic play: a doctor set!

The Catbirds transformed into a team of nurses, doctors, and patients

Flubber was also a gripping choice

Many ailments and surgeries were dealt with

Food and medicine were carefully delivered to patients

I think that everyone was healed by the end of the day!

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