Thursday, February 11, 2016

Valentine's Day Celebration

The day began with full energy

Valentines were distributed - for many, this required hats.

And dramatic play commenced with fervor

Baking preparations began, with a panel of young master chefs to supervise.

We did an Early Childhood baking activity. Our room was designated as the shortcake baking room.

The Owls and Cardinals all got a turn to bake. All of the Catbirds cycled through the other classrooms for lemonade making and creating heart magnets.

After baking, we returned to our typical routine

Ao taught us a Thai song about elephants, and she explained the tonal qualities of her language. There are lots of new sounds for us to master.

Ao would like the Catbirds to teach her to bake, and friends had many ideas about what we should show her.

We had lots of fun for Choice Time

We cut up strawberries for the shortcake

Friends resumed their complicated dramatic play

Downstairs in the multipurpose room, the entire Early Childhood came together for lunchtime

We ate, had dessert and lemonade, made hearts, heard stories and sang songs. Rest time was short, but much-needed.

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