Tuesday, February 23, 2016

One Hundred!

Today was the 100th Day of School!

At Morning Meeting, Ao read us a book about PJ the bunny, who didn't want to be a bunny.

After trying on many different animal personas, PJ decided that he wanted to be himself after all.

In conjunction with our study of sound and music, the Catbirds attempted to list 100 different sounds. We didn't quite make it to 100, but perhaps by the end of the week, we'll get there!

For Choice Time, Ao helped friends with a craft project related to the story

We also made cereal necklaces in celebration of the 100th Day.

I'm pretty sure if we added all the Froot Loops together, there would be 100.

Bunny-making was a sought-after activity.

To wrap up the morning, we had...


These Catbirds sure can move and groove.

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