Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Full Day Wednesday

Our day began with mastering scissors

Stuffing backpacks

And baking rice cakes

We headed to the Meetinghouse for Meeting for Worship

Afterward, we ran around in the cool fresh air

There was so much beautiful artwork to notice on the walk back to our classroom

It was library day

Doris did some yoga with us!

We took a breath in...

And then a breath out...

She taught us a number of different yoga poses

We were about to head outside

And suddenly Carol received a hug attack filled with love

There was more love outside

There was also just silliness

Next it was music class with Keisha

We sang and danced and had a good time

We practiced singing our swaras

Back in the classroom, Amy read aloud The Gruffalo book, which was a big hit

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