Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Morning Meeting and More

A morning juggling lesson.


Learning about Spanish speaking countries.

Flying to Argentina.

Outside for snack.

Oh the things that we can do with our bodies!

Music Class!

Morning Meeting. We began by settling our bodies and learning what happens when we take deep breaths.

We had another puppet show (unfortunately, we can't photograph these, because both picture-takers are in the show). Today, the puppets both wanted the same toys at the same time. Fortunately, the Catbirds were able to offer them good advice and help them slve the problem.

We then explained Choice Time to the new Catbirds, and they got to choose which activity they would participate in.

There were books..., with our brand new markers...

...rubberbands in geometric patterns...

and magnatiles.

Some friends also helped clean the guinea pigs' cage.

One friend choose a nap!

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