Friday, September 25, 2015


Our day began with a Friday Assembly, where we sang

(and some of us made bead beards)

Keisha and Rich led us beautifully in a song of Peace Like a River

We ran outside on the sidewalk loop

And played on the playground for a long, luxurious while

Here friends are helping to fix some broken blocks

We used screwdrivers to screw the nails back into the wood

"Peace Like a River" sounds especially musical when played on a wood plank guitar

More beetles were uncovered

There were pretzel dances and pretzel faces.
Who knew pretzels could be so much fun!

The Catbirds were very busy on the playground today

Whenever a story is read aloud, it becomes like a child magnet!

More and more children from across the playground wander over to hear the book.

Frog and Toad played in the pond, while Rich helped a friend with his shoes

After facing a seemingly unsolvable problem, Carol and Amy do what always works best: they brought out the puppets!

Giraffe and Frog were having trouble with their frustration

A very helpful audience helped them figure out the problem

They had good ideas like, "They should give each other a hug," and, "They can take turns with a toy."

The puppet show spurred a great deal of dramatic play outside

Friends acted out different scenarios with each other

We returned to the classroom for Morning Meeting, where Amy read some stories written by Catbirds.

We got a new chime that we use during Moment of Silence. It makes a beautiful, long-lasting sound. Everyone got a chance to try it themselves.

Then it was Choice Time! 

"It's a telescope!"

It was a wonderful Friday.
Have a great weekend, Catbird families!

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